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Case Study: Apple – How The Law Of Social Proof Works On A Global Scale For The Company!

Have you ever wondered how  Apple is capable to create one of the most successful company today?

Mind you, the company didn’t seem to have much future a few years ago and they were facing intense competition from big players in their industry sector.

But boy…how things have changed for the company now!

Also, You probably must’ve heard that Apple has been voted recently as one of the most powerful brands in the world today! People are going ‘crazy’ with Apple’s products.

But, the question that I want to ask you is this…

How did it all happen and why? How did Apple turned things around?

OK, I am sure we all can agree that the Ipods have changed the way we listen to music and how music is distributed to the masses. As a result, many music retail moguls have either gone bankrupt or have had no choice but to change their business model to survive. Selling music via the retail networks does not work now. Everything is all about ‘Download’.

I remember back in 2005 when I was in a meeting with a very influential music aggregator company and one of the Directors predicted that ‘everything’ will be on the mobile phone. Music, Data etc. Two years later (2007), the Iphone was launched and as we know it, the rest was history!

It is also interesting to see big competitors failing to compete successfully with the Ipad. Players like Samsung, HTC, Blackberry and LG have all released their own version of tablet computers. However, the Ipad still controls close to 70% market share in the tablet computer industry.

In short, Apple products are great products that people want….and more people want it more when there is more ‘Social Proof’. It is like a viral effect on steroids!

You have probably  seen one of the Apple product launches. The late Steve Jobs and his colleagues would usually start with their exciting presentation and every Apple enthusiasts would listen to their every word. Once it was all over, you would hear people talking about it everywhere – on Google, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, TV Broadcasters, Newspapers etc. It would be like a pent up demand. People want Apple products! – and thats Ladies and Gentlemen is Social Proof!

I bought the new Iphone 4S because of Social Proof. I even recorded a video when I was on my morning run earlier and that’s another social proof! :-)

The picture quality on the IPhone is great too. Here are some picture samples taken from the Iphone 4S….(and another Social Proof! :-) )


How can you create Social Proof to work in your business? How can you get your clients and customers feel excited and talk about your products and services? Discuss…


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